Lusia Mae Harris fist and only woman that played.on a NBA team and dominated over other teams

Lusia Mae Harris February 10, 1955 – January 18, 2022 was an American professional basketball player. Harris is considered to be one of the pioneers of women's basketball. She played for Delta State University and won three consecutive Association for Intercollegiate Athletics for Women AIAW National Championships, the predecessors to the National Collegiate Athletic Association NCAAchampionships, from 1975 to 1977. On the international level, she represented the United States' national team. She was on the team which won the gold medal in the 1975 Pan American Games. In addition, she was a member of the team which won the silver medal in the 1976 Olympic Games, the first women's basketball tournament in the Olympic Games. She played professional basketball with the Houston Angels of the Women's Professional Basketball League WBL and was the first and only woman ever to be officially drafted by the National Basketball Association NBA. For her achievements, Harris was inducted to the Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame and Women's Basketball Hall of Fame.


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