Fletcher is originally from Little Rock, Arkansas. However, he has lived in Southern California for over 50 years. Fletcher grew up in a religious home, where his father, a Pentecostal preacher, routinely punished him. One lesson he did get from his strict upbringing, however, was a mental focus and toughness that enabled him to build an illustrious career in body building. However, despite his religious upbringing, Fletcher became involved in the streets of Compton, earning him a substantial amount of time in a correctional facility. This rough past has truly molded him to unleash in the gym.

Fletcher’s physique, and attitude, changed significantly after undergoing an open heart surgery in 2005. He was weighing 260 pounds before the procedure, so he shed off 45 pounds to try and avoid the surgery. However, it did not work. He came out of the surgery weighing 190 pounds and recovered fully after about two years. While most people attribute steroids to his medical problems, CT believed that this was a result of 7 to 8 meals he took each day for over 20 years from McDonalds.

CT’s career

CT picked up his first weight at 22. However, he started competitive power lifting in 1983, and kept lifting for 14 years until 1997. During his powerlifting (http://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Powerlifting) career, CT won the World Strict Curl Championship three times and the World Bench Press three times. However, he admits that the highlight of his career by far was the 1995 705 pound attempt at the Baddest Bench Press in America Contest. While he did not actually make that life, Fletcher felt this was his greatest accomplishment because he did it drug free against some of the best power lifters on the planet.

CT’s workout plan

To this day, well over 50 perfect of CT’s strength boosting workout still consists of a power lifter training model. This coupled with body building parameters yields an amazingly strong physique. Fletcher describes the Penitentiary Style Workout is not paying attention to set and rep numbers but rather focusing ones energy into every last step.

CT Fletcher’s favorite exercises:
Five to six of a minimum of ten reps
• Contraction or Cable curls
• One arm dumbbell preacher curls
• Incline bench harmer curls
• EZ bar preacher curls

Shoulder exercises
• Barbell lateral raise done in a standing position
• Dumbbell overall press done in a seating position and
• Smith overhead press, also done in a sitting position.

Chest exercises
• Smith bench
• Pushups
• Flat barbell and dumbbell bench and
• Incline barbell bench

Bicep exercises
• Concentration curls
• Barbell and dumbbell preacher curls
• Incline bench hammer curls and
• Straight bar cable curls

Triceps exercises
• Straight bar tricep extensions and
• W bar tricep extensions

Back exercises
• Lying machine and T-Bar rows
• Dumbbell rows
• Pullups
• Deadlifts and lat pulldowns

Leg exercises
• Box squats
• Squats and
• Hack squats

The new CT Fletcher

Now at the seasoned age of 54 years old, “The Strongest Man You Never Heard Of”, as Fletcher is commonly known to his fans has captured The world Fitness Social Media by storm. His whole approach to weight lifting is to “Earn It” without the use of supplements or steroids, simply gain from pure pain. Whether it is, preacher curling, squatting or bench pressing, CT still goes toe to toe with much younger athletes in the gym, coming on top most of the times.

From his YouTube videos, you will learn one thing for sure — You better bring it or simply stay away. These videos come packed with incredible passion for Rawness that has never been captured on tape before. CT’s videos offer practical motivation to keep your muscles ripped.

Future plans

CT still hopes to get back to powerlifting and defend his unbroken 225 strict curl record someday. In fact, he would love to do it at 54, 24 years after setting the record.

CT Fletcher has been lifting weight for most of his adult life. In 2003, he founded a wellness channel dubbed Strength Project on YouTube. Over the past several months, Fletcher has released several fitness videos that have attracted massive traffic. The Fitness Project has had a huge impact on the fitness community throughout the world. However, it is important to note that Strength Project is not an acrobatics or calisthenics team but rather an all-round team that promotes safe, efficient and practical regimes to help you achieve your fitness goals.


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